The Broken World
The Lost Boys Podcast
Billboard Chris Goes to War

Billboard Chris Goes to War


Each year, thousands of troubled young children – most of them girls – are shunted on a path towards gender transition therapy and hormone blockers, often without the knowledge or consent of their parents. Puberty, already the most confusing period in a human being's life, is recast as a nightmare, nature's mistake, something to be fought or circumvented entirely if possible. This is happening with the full approval of teachers, therapists and the medical establishment. Against their efforts stands one man and a billboard, traveling around the world raising awareness, sounding the alarm, putting himself in harm's way. He has been shamed and spat on, assaulted and defamed, suffered broken bones and endless threats, and yet still he continues to stand tall. He goes by Billboard Chris, and we were honoured to speak with him. 

If you would like to support Billboard Chris’ cause, you can donate directly on his website here.


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The Broken World
The Lost Boys Podcast
Millennial siblings explore why men, of every age, are dropping out of society.